Sunday, September 27, 2009

Images of Racism

*Warning: Strong material

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"Lynching postcard from 1916. This card bears the advertising stamp, "katy electric studio temple texas. h. lippe prop." inscribed in brown ink: "This is the Barbecue we had last night my picture is to the left with a cross over it your son Joe."

Repeated references to eating are found in lynching-related correspondence, such as "coon cooking," "barbecue," and "main fare." "


For those who still insist on racism as a joke, as something nahive. Here are some images of its effect. Racism, taken as a light joke, as something normal, leads to people's insensitivity towards the subject and its most horrendous effects.

Here is one of the books that have been published on this. I recently found its website and really hesitated to share it here because of its disturbing content. But, I resumed to do it, as it may have a constructive effect on some people's minds. I still have to deal with the racist commentaries of many friends that still find it hilarious. Esto va por ellos, so you become more conscious.

Without Sanctuary

"Searching through America's past for the last 25 years, collector James Allen uncovered an extraordinary visual legacy: photographs and postcards taken as souvenirs at lynchings throughout America. With essays by Hilton Als, Leon Litwack, Congressman John Lewis and James Allen, these photographs have been published as a book "Without Sanctuary" by Twin Palms Publishers . Features will be added to this site over time and it will evolve into an educational tool. Please be aware before entering the site that much of the material is very disturbing. We welcome your comments and input through the forum section.

Experience the images as a flash movie with narrative comments by James Allen, or as a gallery of photos which will grow to over 100 photos in coming weeks. Participate in a forum about the images, and contact us if you know of other similar postcards and photographs."

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